Monday, September 12, 2016

Horrorhound Weekend Indy 2016

Now that the dust and nerves have settled, I can finally sit back and reflect on what was possibly the best convention experience I've ever had.  Honestly I could probably say that after every single convention I attend as they have all been great so far. Something about this experience was different. Something sets this weekend above all of them. Was it that two of my podcast pals, Jason and Teri, were there with the wife and I? Maybe. Perhaps it was meeting the main cast plus the director of one of my all time favorite movies, Night of the Creeps? Big possibility. Could it have been meeting the iconic Piper Laurie? Watching my wife absolutely go bonkers meeting one of her favorite actors (Dean Camerion)? Each of those on their own make for a great time, hell, even an outstanding time. Yet what happens if you slap all of those together? BAM! Best. Convention. Ever.  Also...

...this happened.  Jill Whitlow <3

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